cflow - generate a C-language flowgraph.
cflow used to print the flow(graph) of external references. cflow has several options, please refer the man page of cflow.
extern void func4();
int func1();
int func2();
int func2()
int func1()
int main()
> cflow temp.c or cflow -i x temp.c
main() <int main () at temp.c:17>:
func1() <int func1 () at temp.c:13>:
func2() <int func2 () at temp.c:8>:
cflow temp.c temp2.c
main() <int main () at temp.c:17>:
func1() <int func1 () at temp.c:13>:
func2() <int func2 () at temp.c:8>:
func4() <void func4 () at temp2.c:1>
FIND command
"find" command is used to search files in a Linux system. We can search or find files based on different ways using,
1. Locate the files in current directory using . (dot) operator.
2. How to Find files under particular directory
root:/# find /home -name sample.c
3. How to Find files with ignore case (-iname)
How to find files by text in the file (using find + grep option)?
find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec grep -l string {} \; # find string in all *.sh files
find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec grep -il string {} \;
cflow - generate a C-language flowgraph.
cflow used to print the flow(graph) of external references. cflow has several options, please refer the man page of cflow.
cflow [r][-d num][-D name[=def]] ... [-i incl][-I dir] ... [-U dir] ...
file ...
Examples: temp.c
#include<stdio.h>extern void func4();
int func1();
int func2();
int func2()
int func1()
int main()
> cflow temp.c or cflow -i x temp.c
main() <int main () at temp.c:17>:
func1() <int func1 () at temp.c:13>:
func2() <int func2 () at temp.c:8>:
void func4(){
cflow temp.c temp2.c
main() <int main () at temp.c:17>:
func1() <int func1 () at temp.c:13>:
func2() <int func2 () at temp.c:8>:
func4() <void func4 () at temp2.c:1>
FIND command
"find" command is used to search files in a Linux system. We can search or find files based on different ways using,
- permissions
- users,
- groups
- file type
- data
- size
1. Locate the files in current directory using . (dot) operator.
find . -name <filename>
e.g:root:/home/muni# find . -name sample.c./sample.c2. How to Find files under particular directory
find /<directory-name> -name <file-name>
root: find /home/muni -name sample.c
root:/# find / -name sample.c
root:/# find /home -name sample.c
find /<directory-name> -iname <file-name>
find /home/muni -iname sample.c
4. How to find directories using name: (-type d )
find / -type d -name <directory-name>
find / -type d -name muni
5. How to find .sh files using name (-type f)
6. How to Find all files (using Wildcard)
How to Find files with permissions (-perm)
How to find files With out permissions of 664
How to find and remove particular file using -exec rm -f {} \;
How to find and remove all files having *.sh using -exec rm -f {} \;
How to find files with 0644 permissions and change permissions to 0755
How to find empty files (-empty)?
How to find empty Directories?
How to find all files based on particular user?
Find all files based on Size (-size option)
find /<directory-name> -type f -name <file-name.extension>
find / -type f -name
find /<directory-name> -type f -name <*.extension>
find / -type f -name *.sh
How to Find files with permissions (-perm)
find / -type f -perm 664
How to find files With out permissions of 664
find / -type f ! -perm 664
find / -type f -name -exec rm -f {} \;
find / -type f -name *.sh -exec rm -f {} \;
find / -type f -perm 0644 -exec chmod 777 {} \;
How to find empty files (-empty)?
find / -type f -empty
find / -type d -empty
find / -user muni
find / -size 10M -type f
How to find files by text in the file (using find + grep option)?
find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec grep -l string {} \; # find string in all *.sh files
find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec grep -il string {} \;